Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daphne’s Top 10 List To ‘Live Your Destiny’

Each one of us is called to greatness and destiny is about choice and does not just happen by chance.  I encourage each person to begin exploring life that is greatly connected to purpose.  Purpose that is fueled by passion and passion that is contagious impacting the lives of others on a major level…even in the small things having a massive impact on the world around you.  The result yields that GREATNESS IN YOU that I just mentioned.

I have created my own top ten list to Live Your Destiny.  These are points that I personally consider valid and vital that have changed my life tremendously.  After reading these, please feel free to adopt any of my points listed or you may want to come up with your own list to live by that propels you to Live Your Destiny in truth:
  1. Ensure that your life is guided by making the right decisions…Understanding that good and right are two different things.  They don’t always yield the same or similar positive long term results.  Always choose right over good.
  2. Endeavor to have a consistent prayer life.  My life I owe to my Lord and Savior, in Him I will trust to lead and guide me daily.   
  3. Forgetting those things behind me:  Never look back unless you plan on going that way.  My past negative life experiences only serve me in a positive way when I have been given the insight to learn from them, and the foresight to know how I can now use what I have learned as a tool moving forward.
  4. Have a strong resolve to move forward no matter what.  Life is about choice, and I choose to live life in the greatest way possible to the best of my ability.
  5. Seek out your own purpose in life.
  6. Don’t be lead astray: Understand your purpose in Christ and then own your destiny.  Purpose is important, but without purpose and God to provide direction what would life be about?
  7. Learn to be yourself and love who you are.  Let others you admire inspire you to greatness, but please be yourself. NOTE: Don’t insult God by trying to be someone he did not create you to be.  Love who you are.  You are perfect in every way.
  8. Live your dreams connected to your purpose and have a passion in achieving them. Dreams are the motivators behind vision.  Vision eventually produces goals.  Capture that dream…that vision, and turn it into reality through prayer and having a plan to achieve the goals connected to your purpose.
  9. We can achieve our dreams in part, by mastering our skills.  Improving what we already know or don’t know is always a plus.
  10. Giving back – Sharing, caring and encouraging:  Now that I understand things better, I share my truth with others and encourage them as I have been encouraged by others along the way.
I hope you have enjoyed my list.  Please speak life by encouraging others to share knowledge and truth with one another to Live Your Destiny…one day at a time…one step at a time producing GREATNESS many times over…Peace unto you!

Blog Author:  DMC

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