Work In Progress

LYD supports the Work in Progress (WIP)

Whose doing the WIP …God’s People 
God’s people are so very blessed and so many of us want to move forward doing exactly what God has called us to do, but the problem is not always that we don’t know the "What" regarding God’s call, but rather we don’t know the "How" to move forward and accomplish the mission at hand.  By partnering with other Christians we share in knowledge and understanding.  God said in all thy getting, get understanding.  You may know a thing, but without understanding, one still may not be able to effectively and efficiently move forward.  Every person is charged to forge ahead, and no one else can do the work that God have called each of us specifically to do, but we can share in our knowledge and understanding that progress is continual.

What…The Ministry and Our Charge   
Live Your Destiny (LYD) is a proactive ministry that promotes and encourages Christians to work together and take proactive steps toward our destiny by simply committing to have a prayer life that enables us to put effective plans together which helps in equipping us to be successful in every area of life.  The impact is then seeing every dream, vision, and goal come to pass.

When…Now is the Time 
God has given us all something to do and we don’t need to have a title to understand that God has purposed our life for something great.  In understanding what we must do, we don’t work alone in solos or as islands unto ourselves.  We work in tandem with one another always being prayerful.  We support and encourage one another to move out and forward as God leads and directs.  The “When” is now according to the season for each of us, in the present stage of our life journey with God.  We also encourage doing all things decently and in order, and that means never undermining the existing ministry God has called us to.

Where…Each of Us Has a Point to Point Destination
We each have a destination point throughout our life journey, although we are not all traveling in the same direction. God navigates us from point to point and we cross paths of many in our travels.  We are tools for God as well as one another to get the work started and proceed until the work is done as we cross each others paths. Notwithstanding, the destination God has purposed for us, we all have a specific place or appointment to keep and part of the journey process will be helping another accomplish his goal while in route to accomplishing our goal.

Why…Good Stewardship is Vital 
We must be good stewards over what God has given us and charged us to do. 
We can’t do anything God has called us to do without Him.  But with God all things are possible.  God is a God of balance and having a prayerful life helps to keep our wants and needs in check so that we can do exactly what God has called us to do.  Our attention on the work ahead is focused, steady, and organized that our direction has purpose.

How… It’s by God’s Design that We Work Together 
Live Your Destiny strives to be “Meat for the Masters Use”.  We have the power to collectively join together and complete the work before us.  What is our common goal…To live out our life being successful in the same purpose for which we have each been created both individually and collectively.  We are useful tools (just as iron sharpens iron) for one another’s progress, to forge ahead without delay, with courage to see our endeavors to the very end accomplished.