Friday, July 1, 2011

Feature of the Month: Your Season of Destiny by Jill Austin

This month's spotlight moment features an excerpt from the article "Your Season of Destiny" originating from The SpiritLed Woman magazine by Jill Austin.  She shares her thoughts on Living Your Destiny...Some very interesting food for thought that will eventually transcends into action if you feel the urgency of her message.  

I enjoyed this reading and hope you will as well.  

"Our awesome, holy God has plans for you that are more creative than you could even dare to imagine. If you give yourself to Him, it will be exhilarating. Being alive takes on a totally new meaning when you let go of controlling your life and destiny and let God move you.
This is your season to allow Him to awaken His dreams for your life. God's dreams for you are much bigger than your dreams could ever be. Our whole way of thinking has to change because we think too small.
Today, you are a carrier of His glory—a walking flame of fire. Every place your hands and feet touch should be invaded with the resurrection power of God. The Lord wants you to minister outside the walls of the church in everyday life to a hurting and dying world.
God wants to get us out of our religious boxes. He wants us to know that where we walk, He walks in us and around us, and His resurrection power operates through us.
In this season, God is calling us to a deeper place of prayer and intimacy, in order to suddenly release us into our destinies. Today, moving in the Spirit is essential to our survival. Hearing God's voice in everyday life is no longer an option but a necessity."

Author:  Jill Austin

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