Monday, May 30, 2011

Destiny---Getting To The Heart of The Matter.

Out of your heart flows the issues of life holding what matters most to you that ultimately determines your destiny.

Your feelings--turned to thoughts.

Your thoughts--turned to words.

Your words--framed your actions.

Your actions--formed your habits.

Your habits--shaped your character.

Your character--becomes your destiny.

Is your heart right or do you need a change of heart?

My heart is ready to receive a make over.

Blog Author:  DMC

Friday, May 20, 2011

Forget The Things Behind You

here is no end to learning new things and new methodologies to get our tasks done.  We read and engage one another in conversation yielding some of the most interesting opportunities to gain different perspectives.  In this we have allowed our scope of learning, understanding, and knowledge to be varied outside of the traditional learning environment.  At times we have also considered our past lessons learned allowing ourselves to be lead down familiar paths of yesterday.  Our yesterdays are mere reflections of life replaying itself mirroring events that we deem as a success or a failure on some level.  Here is the caution--when we allow our experiences and what we think we know to be our ONLY GUIDE or SOURCE for making decisions we have just fallen prey to leaning on our own understanding, (which is self-satisfying) and failing to seek the one who has the roadmap to our next destination point.  God ensures all things working together for our good and will direct us in how our past will be utilized for His glory moving forward; however we must stay close to the Commander-In-Chief so that He can direct our path.

The Apostle Paul spoke about forgetting the things in our past.  Paul addressed how he handled his past, both his successes and his failures.  Have you heard the old cliché that “a little knowledge is dangerous”?  Well precisely what I believe Paul revealed when he urged the church to forget the things behind them.  He wasn’t just talking about the negative life occurrences.  He was talking about even our past success and all things learned through experience.  If we are comfortable with what we know based on a little knowledge, a little notoriety, a little recognition we won’t be able to receive God’s direction because we have already determined ourselves which way to go.

We must understand that in this life there is so much more for us to learn and experience that we can’t depend on our past as the barometer in how to handle our present or future endeavors.  We learn in many ways that provide us knowledge and this is good, however we must never forget that we are doing the work of the Lord and rely on His direction.  Likewise, we are successful when we seek and follow his direction, resulting in his children being more than conquerors and victorious in Christ Jesus!


Blog AuthorDMC
Resource:  Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Secret is Now My Confession

We take credit without any hesitation… Proudly admitting to the things that put us in a positive light as we eagerly step up to receive all the accolades.  People are talking.  I can hear it now…all the applause for all the good you’ve done, and all the hard work you’ve put in, and all your sacrifice.  You perceive it was all worth the cause. 

But flip the situation, and now we have taken a back seat to our acknowledgments.  What about stepping up to confess those things that are not worthy of an accolade?  What about getting to the heart of the matter in dealing with the thing that we know has gone wrong in our life?  We willingly participate in the cover up citing that no one has to know, and even if they do no one is owed an explanation.  So with our lips tight our confession has now become our obsession, to keep the “wrong stuff” a secret.  No one including God will intervene on our behalf, until we acknowledge our own wrong doing.  As long as we are willing to ignore “the stuff gone wrong” in our life, we willingly allow ourselves to be held captive as a hostage.   

That’s just what sin does when we choose to delay our confession.  We are held captive in sin’s prison cell and the only way to be free is for us to open our mouth and begin to confess the mess that has been keeping us bound and heavily burdened.  On the contrary, confessing “our wrong stuff” humbles us that we see our own weakness and dependence on the Lord, but as equally important it cleanses us from the stain of sin, and then relieves us of the guilt that steals our witness for Christ.  You can trust God with your secret.  God can navigate you to freedom. 

Vacant Prison Cell clip art

It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had or kept the confession a secret.  What matters most is regaining freedom.   We can’t be all that God has called us to be, or do all God have called us to do, if we are imprisoned spiritually of our own accord.   


Blog AuthorDMC
Reference Scripture:  See Psalms 51 & Psalm 32

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Feature of the Month: Focus Being My Ace by Lamont Dynce

My son wrote this poem and I was so encouraged by his resolve to reach higher.  Although he has had a rough beginning in starting his photography business he still has pushed on.   I thought others may also be encouraged by his contributing thoughts.   In life everything may not always be perfect, none-the-less we must still focus and press on - Enjoy!

Neck above the sky, but chin at comfort level.  Not to high, not to lie...just right.

Blinking my eyes with no hesitation.

Making dreams into visions. 

Putting 1 foot in front of another, no leaning. Ending all doubt.

Trashing these 4 letters CAN'T... with these I am only hindering me.

Plans bigger than Microsoft.  I'm knocking off all the doubt in my mind.

The "Lil Engine That Could" and that is a fairy tale, but who said fairy tales don't come true.

Fingers move with confidence. Mind is on a level of achievement trying to reach the next level.

Beveled in my mind is Success. No more walking in mess got to keep on that vest of confidence for all this bullish. 

No more missing the point the purpose of why HE gave me these limbs that function.  No more options of letting these go to waste. 

But Focus will be my Ace.

Author: LamontDnyce