Saturday, April 9, 2011


I think about the legacy I will eventually leave behind. This six letter word “Legacy” propels me to keep reaching forward pressing pass my fears and apprehensions resolving to take charge of those negative thoughts that God have given me power over to not be bound, still, and, stagnant lending to ineffectiveness. I realize that I still have work yet to do and my attendance is greatly required. Excuses are unacceptable...what excuse is good enough for someone who died for me? I share my thought today only in hope that someone will consider this rhetorical question, “What legacy for God are you gearing up to leave behind”?

Keeping me in check...I understand that the real response calls for action.  In 2011, let's hit our mark as we continue in our life journey!  

We must, "Just Continue..."

Blog AuthorDMC

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