Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just Continue...

I  believe that life is what you make of it.  We all have a choice to select a path and walk in it.  Our decisions impact the quality of life we live.  Our decisions also have the power to empower those that come from behind.  In fact, our choices contribute to the "Legacy" we leave behind to our family, but also to everyone our life path crosses.  We each have the ability to empower others with the knowledge we have gained and share our experiences to influence and encourage one another to stay the right course in the life race and continue on in purpose with each step we take.

As usual, my point is to motivate others to think beyond the "here and now" understanding that what we partake in now is an investment eternally.  Our decisions do matter contributing to new challenges, new levels and/or in a new direction yielding positive results in living out our purpose.

Be encouraged to –
  • continue to dream:  For dreams are important.  They are the beginning of new visions of what may be.
  •  continue to act:  For dreams alone won’t yield any lasting results. 
  • continue in God’s strength to push pass what you see:  For the setbacks, and hold-ups, and rejections, and let-downs were only tools to fine tune or refine the strength of your conviction, which was once weak and guess what, “YOUR STILL HERE” with a resolve to keep it moving!
  • continue on your journey:  For only God knows what road each of us should take and seeking his direction keeps us humble and on track.

The thing that you have been called to is so desperately in need of you, so please –
  • continue to think higher:  For your body can't take you where you mind hasn't been first. 
  • continue to focus on your course:  Having the ability to focus is one thing, but having the ability to stay on course is another.  Prayer keeps us continually aligned with what really matters most at each stage of our life.
  • continue to resolve yourself to discipline:  Resolving yourself to be disciplined to plan and then follow through is no small feat.  Seeking God's guidance is key in developing a plan which contributes to steady progress.
  • continue on in your purpose:  Only you can carry out the thing you were purposed to do, and this can only be accomplished by having a relationship with our Lord.  This type of relationship is one of an investment of time to listen and communicate which is bi-directional. The return on this investment...Priceless!

Most of all continue to have faith and believe that God is making a difference in you through your walk with him in the world.  The world needs you to do exactly what you have been called to do.  Be encouraged today and know that the body of Christ is praying for you to continue in the race!

Blog AuthorDMC

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I think about the legacy I will eventually leave behind. This six letter word “Legacy” propels me to keep reaching forward pressing pass my fears and apprehensions resolving to take charge of those negative thoughts that God have given me power over to not be bound, still, and, stagnant lending to ineffectiveness. I realize that I still have work yet to do and my attendance is greatly required. Excuses are unacceptable...what excuse is good enough for someone who died for me? I share my thought today only in hope that someone will consider this rhetorical question, “What legacy for God are you gearing up to leave behind”?

Keeping me in check...I understand that the real response calls for action.  In 2011, let's hit our mark as we continue in our life journey!  

We must, "Just Continue..."

Blog AuthorDMC